Instead, ads now consult vast databases of personal information, and they rely on sophisticated pricing mechanisms, merely to suggest one option out of many thousands that may appeal to us. 广告现在会诉诸大量个人信息,依靠复杂的定价机制,然后从数千个可能会吸引我们的选择中选出一个,提供给我们。
Personal appeal does not depend on outer appearance, but on inner qualities. 人缘并不在色身,而在于气质。
Meakin says the "worth" of a work and its personal appeal, rather than its resale price, have always been the driving force behind her buying. 米肯表示,一件作品的“价值”及其对于她个人的吸引力(而非转手价格)一直是她购买艺术品的推动力。
The Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams has made a personal appeal to the Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe for an end to what he called the persecution of Anglicans in Zimbabwe. 坎特伯雷大主教威廉姆斯以个人身份对津巴布韦总统罗伯特穆加贝发出呼吁,希望结束他所谓的对津巴布韦圣公会教徒的迫害。
Non-power influence of class advisers in vocational colleges is based on personal morality, ability, knowledge, emotion and other factors, and it has great influence and appeal. 高职院校班主任非权力性影响力是以个人的品德、才能、知识、感情等因素为基础形成的,其影响力和吸引力巨大。